Oh hello. Were you waiting for an update?
Alice Margaret joined us a little over a week ago. My dad and Karen came into town, and my water broke the night of their arrival. I "went back to sleep" (yeah right) on the advice of the midwife, the grandparents-to-be (-again) got Jane off to school, and shortly after I had a strong contraction. I told Andy it was time to go to hospital.
We arrived there around nine, and Alice debuted before noon! It was so different than Jane's birth, primarily in the speed! I didn't have time to sample the delights of gas and air for pain relief during birth, but I did end up using it afterward prior to having stitches. (It's good stuff.)
We stayed in hospital for two days and they just observed Alice's progress. She seemed happy enough for them and we were released home as planned. Andy's taken some time off work, Jane's gotten some special outings with her grandparents, and Alice is nursing, pooping, and sleeping well. The first two, anyway. Her sleeping is about what you expect with a newborn.
Buttery baby |
Birthday! |
Jane meeting Alice |
Jane's Spider Gwen costume |
Andy and Alice |
Sisters at home |
Grandpa John meeting Alice |
The picture doesn't show it that well, but Alice is jaundiced. We're working on it! |
Alice in the sling while we got coffee across the street |