Thursday, January 23, 2020


The big news around the flat is that the girls have moved into a room together! They are in the larger bedroom now (so Alice stayed where she was) and Jane's bed and toys have moved in. Alice is still not sleeping through the night, but Jane says she hasn't woken up or heard her. (I still come in and feed her, of course.) I've taken a book into the bedroom and read before bed a few times. It's so novel!

Today Alice and I went to a free trial of a music class for babies. I'm not sure how I/she felt about it. It is close to home, though.

Alice is definitely reacting to seeing dogs on our walks. She will shout "dada" or something, but only when she sees them. ('Dada' is her favorite sound, though she is branching out a lot more in the last few days.)

Jane is taking gymnastics again and also an art club. It's nice that she has activities a few days a week. She definitely misses playing with friends whenever there's a break (or sometimes even just a weekend).

 Andy was in Texas a few weeks ago. This is in College Station at the IODP repository. I think.
 Bristol zoo

 Because Andy was traveling on his birthday, we celebrated last weekend. We went to Atomic Burger (a very American restaurant, that features "USA cheese").

 We gave Alice a Swedish Chef for Christmas but she refused to cuddle with him for a picture.

 Swinging at the park in her Al Borland PJs.
 "I don't think so, Tim."

 Andy stopped at our storage unit in Texas and got the Poco pack, the carrier I'm using there. I've only used it a few times because it's been pretty cold, but she's outgrowing the Ergo carrier.
 Dear Anna you are the sun
 More zoo

 Alice wearing shoes

 She's not standing unassisted yet, but she's close.
 We got a food processor from our Buy Nothing group! (Carrot cake pancakes in the making, there.)
 Cool planters on the walk to school
 The cake I ordered for Andy's birthday. It was gluten-free!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


We had our first family vacation, meaning first real trip that wasn't just to visit someone or attend an event. We just, like, went.

Andy attended a conference in Valencia, Spain, and we planned to meet him down there afterward and spend Christmas there. Alice did very well on her first flight, Jane was an excellent helper all day in getting things ready and carrying her suitcase at the airport, and we were all reunited.

Pictures in no particular order (and don't forget, you can see them larger if you click on them):

 Some graffiti between our rented flat and the beach
 The beach, Jane's favorite part... and and ours, I think. Only Alice was indifferent. It wasn't swimming weather, but it was nice for digging, walking, getting wet when the waves came higher than you expected.
 It was REALLY windy the first time we visited, and we were concerned about sand in everyone's eyes. Luckily, it was only like that the first day.
 There was a nice boardwalk we walked down a few times: 'stuff' on our left and the sea on our right. Andy pointed out the spaces for stalls that lined the walkway, but it was clearly off-season, which to me was preferable.
 I don't remember where these were taken. But look at those loving sisters!
 One day, we rented bikes. Jane and Alice sat in the cargo bike, while I rode a bike by myself. We rode down the bike paths to a big park based on Gulliver's Travels. The bike day was probably my favorite. For lunch, Jane and I went in search of a market that Andy had seen to pick up some food, but we never found it. We went to a fruit/veg shop and I noticed they had empanadas at the register, so I bought all of them. I didn't know what was in them (still don't), but it was a wonderful impulse buy. Jane was happy with her apple and potato chips.
 Andy and Alice waiting for Jane and I to return with food
 Biker chic

 Christmas Day. Unfortunately, Alice got a cold and neither of us slept very well the night before. We had a few rough nights on the trip. Andy had to go to a pharmacy with my written instructions and I did not have the right word for tissues. I think I had the word for body tissue, which is not the same as Kleenex. Live and learn!
 Andy in the water shooting Jane on the beach
 Where'd my shell go?

 Happy girl. Happy dad too!
 Wendy asked for some pictures of Alice, so we attempted a few family photo shots.

 I saw this tied around a tree on election day. Apparently enough people here think that Brexit will bring them a better world.
 Jane and I making Christmas cookies. They turned out great, if I do say so myself!

 How cute is Alice in her bike helmet?!
 The cargo bike