Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 41: Preggplant Parmesan

Last week the midwife mentioned that eggplant parmesan has some anecdotal effects on jumpstarting labor.  So what the heck--we went for a late lunch on Friday.  Tasty, but not in labor yet!  The only thing the internet had to offer was that maybe it was the oregano and basil present in the dish, but I think that if basil had anything to do with it, it would have happened earlier in the week when we had caprese salad twice.

Last pregnancy portrait?
After last week's midwife visit they scheduled an induction date, in case I need it: Monday July 29th.  She was optimistic that I wouldn't need it, but it's there if I do.  If I get to next Sunday afternoon without any change, I might start trying all kinds of wacky things.

There's also an ultrasound and a nonstress test on the calendar for next week, if I get that far.  We went to the grocery store this morning to make sure things were well-stocked in the event we have to leave in a hurry.

It seems like the heat has broken, finally.  It's still in the 80s and we still have our downstairs closed up (and dehumidifying constantly), but it's not 100!

Brisco trying to stay cool and avoid moving:

I'll either check back in after Tuesday's ultrasound, or I'll be distracted by other things.  :-)

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