We're still working on planning moving details, bit by bit, complicated by the fact that rules keep changing! Canada changed their rules of entry last week. We're moving forward with our movers, talking with people in Texas who will let the movers in, and figuring out how to get a car once we arrive in Victoria.
Jane was in school until December, but schools closed again before she would have gone back in January. We agree with this decision. We're getting back into the rhythm of home-schooling again. Unlike last winter/spring, the school has had time to put together an online learning package, and Jane does pretty well doing her work each day. They added in a daily Zoom meeting for her class and she really likes that.
We're not sure if her school will open up again before we move.
"Hey, c'mere, we're never in pictures together."
We don't go to the park often, especially with the UK variant in Bristol, but Alice loves it when we do.
There was a QR-code neighbo(u)rhood walk to find decorated houses around Christmas, but I just happened upon this one one night.
Christmas morning! Alice was left some Peppa Pig PJs by the PJ Fairy the night before.
Unicorn keychains from Grandma and Grandpa
Jane and Alice opening a gift. Jane was very sweet about giving gifts to Alice, and excited for her.
Alice the Elf, what's your favorite color?
Unicorn slippers
Incredibles PJs and a toy Jack-Jack!
More lounging in PJs. We do get dressed, most days. Alice is even potty-training right now, and doing great!
Jane appears to have made a Catwoman funeral.
Alice had just woken up from a nap and was not into having her picture taken.
The pictures never do it justice, but this sunset was particularly amazing because of the straight line of clouds on this day (the triangular wedge of yellow vs. the pink/purple clouds)
We ordered the girls this big cardboard castle a few weeks ago. We're still coloring it in!
Alice wearing her new Cousin Crew shirt from Great-Uncle Scott and Great-Aunt Laura! Oh, I just noticed that Jane is wearing hers in the shot above! We just didn't get them both in the shirts on the same day.
We've had snow a few times, once enough to go out and make snowballs, but on this day, it was just snowing on us. Jane caught a few snowflakes on her tongue in our garden before we masked up for a walk.
"Walks" often end up at the park.
As I mentioned, Alice is doing very well potty training. I think we're in week 3 now, but honestly, time is irrelevant at this point. She has even been dry most naps and usually even overnight! We put her in disposables then just to be safe, but I'm just about to try and sell these cloth ones. I had them out to photograph and then Alice started playing with them. As you do.
We've put a cloth mask on Alice a few times so she can get used to it. It's going to be a long flight to Los Angeles!
Aaaaaand, Jane hopped into the picture. 😀
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