Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A few pics

Things are changing here--my time at my job is ending next week (or sooner, if a recent interview pans out).  There's a lot of uncertainty about our near-future as Andy is applying for jobs, and suddenly, I am too.  But Jane keeps on growing.  It probably has something to do with the food she keeps demanding.

She's getting better at standing and walking.  She recently discovered she could climb up the stairs, which she now does over and over.

Andy's camera still isn't fixed, but here are some pictures that have been waiting to be posted!
Seann and Libby stopped by for Labor Day, in town (really for a wedding in NY).  We haven't seen them since we all left Madison around the same time, but Libby and I have been prolific pen pals.

 Jane may have stayed in her PJs all day.
 And no pants.
 Yay for visits!

Andy taking an over-the-shoulder shot while out on a walk.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I love you!

No pictures at the moment.  Andy's camera (that is, his phone) is not acting quite right.

Jane is walking.  Really, just stepping.  She's not covering any ground yet.  She can get herself up to standing, unassisted, and is so proud when she does.

But the biggest news, to my mind anyway, is that this morning while on the potty, she said, "I love you" to me!  It was my favorite moment that's ever taken place in a bathroom, bar none!