Sunday, March 31, 2013

25 Weeks and it's Easter!

New territory here, folks.  This is my first actual maternity shirt.  I have something new I can wear to work (at least for a while)!
 Cooking ginger chicken for dinner.
 "Is that for me?"
 A roadside find--a free highchair!  I stopped, and the woman who had left it there was outside and told me it worked just great.  We won't need it for quite a while, but hey, free stuff is great!  We'll give it a good scrubbing outside once it's a bit warmer.
Crib, Pack and Play (from my old nanny family), highchair, general messiness in what's-her-name's room.  I made progress on it shortly after the picture was taken.  Really.
 Nursing pillow, car seat, wipe warmer, 2T clothes in the bin.  I never could say no to free clothes, even if it's early!

 Last night I stumbled upon a recipe for Sriracha caramel corn (recipe here) and while the caramel didn't exactly turn out, it was delicious.
 This is less edible, but no less exciting: clothespins!  For our clothesline!
 I've used the clothesline twice in the last two days and I'm pretty sure it's my favorite thing.  Sorry baby and husband.  It makes me so, so happy!
Brisco found and liked my baby bump.

Have a happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

24 weeks

I've had two cravings lately: a cinnamon roll, and matzo ball soup.  Today one of those cravings was fulfilled.  I called many restaurants in the area, and once we found one that had MBS, off we went.  Yum.  It didn't exactly put any of our CSA veggies to good use or anything, but it was what I wanted.  Which is nice to get, once in a while.  Or more often.

Andy put his head on my belly last night and our little girl kicked him in the face.  He basically dared her to, so good for her!  She's active a lot.  A couple of times I've felt her simultaneously in two spots at once, like she's stretching out and doing a kick-punch.

I'm starting to get more tired, still, I believe, from waking up a lot at night.  I've felt a little "off" the last few days, but considering how easy the first two trimesters have been, I'd be ok (not thrilled) with this being my new normal.

We met with a doula on Sunday, and we want to hire her.  (I haven't emailed her yet to make it official, though I really should!)

I've been working more on the registry, too, but we got a pretty large pile of stuff from my old nanny family, and they assured us that they'd only done a quick walkthrough and would definitely have more for us.  VERY nice of them.  I promise I'll post the registry here once it's complete.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

23 weeks and change

We took the picture on the right day, and I'm even coincidentally wearing green on what happened to be St. Patrick's day, but then both of us alternated between feeling sick, so I'm not getting around to posting until now.

 It seems like we're both on the mend.  Andy had a cough and at one point a fever, while I seem to be just fighting it off, though that is enough to wipe me out.  It might be compounded by the fact that I'm not sleeping all that well.  I wake up a lot on my back (which is a position I'm not supposed to be in anymore).  I'm not sure if I wake up because it's uncomfortable and my body "knows" it's not supposed to do that, or what, but I wake up a lot these days (nights).

This past weekend, it was still in the thirties, but the snow was gone and the sun was shining.  We took the opportunity to get outside--Brisco got a grooming from me, and Andy started working on cleaning up our yard.  The last tenants left a lot of junk here, and though the landlord is supposed to deal with the bigger items once the snow's gone, there was plenty for Andy to do in the meantime.  Look how cute Brisco is!
 It snowed again the night before last.  The sun is back out, but for the first day of spring, we're not off to a great start.  That's ok.  Bonus Brisco picture.
Andy's done some good work getting Fraasslette's room decluttered.  The crib is partially assembled and we've started hanging things on our walls.  It makes such a nice difference to have things up to personalize a space, despite how I generally feel about "art."

Hey!  The radio just told me that today is Fred Rogers' birthday.  I sometimes read his quotes when I need a pick-me-up.  I also picked up his book The World According to Mr. Rogers at a bookstore for about $5.  Not sure why it was such a steal, but it's on our little girl's bookshelf along with some Dr. Seuss (thanks Mom!) and some other books from my childhood:  Zed and the Monsters, The Grouch in the Tower and Other Sillies, In the Night Kitchen and of course, The Complete Curious George Collection.  Others too, I'm sure.  :)

I started assembling our registry, and I'll post that once it's complete.  I guess if you were really sneaky you could guess that it's on Babies R Us, but I'm not sure I'm fully committed to what I've selected on there as of right now.  Buy us things at your own risk.  Or send food.  Always a safe bet.  :-)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

21 and six-sevenths weeks :)

Andy leaves for Microfossils in Houston tomorrow until Thursday, so I had to have pictures taken and post them today before my photographer (and his computer) leave.  Nearly 22 weeks, and it's finally starting to show.

I bought myself a belly band at Target today, because my pants are not fitting so comfortably these days.  Hence the dress again.  We also stopped by Jon and Serena's today and met baby Calvin.  Everyone there seems to be doing well.

We're making more progress on the apartment.  The washer and dryer were delivered on Wednesday(!!!) and we put the privacy film up on the bathroom windows.  Take that, wild animals that were watching us through the windows!

It was nice enough to have some of the windows open today for a while, which was really nice.  Brisco seemed to like having the front door open (with the screen door shut) so he could look and smell outside.  He got really anxious as we were getting ready to run errands today, but he didn't leave anything behind for us that we found when we got back.  He's doing so much better in this place than the old one, for whatever reason.

Speaking of the old place, today was our official "move-out" date there, though we've been gone for two weeks.  It's OFFICIALLY done.  Now we just wait for our security deposit back.

Have some pictures of Andy and Brisco!  He's practicing holding something like a baby.

Andy finally felt a kick from our girl the other evening.  It's nice that he can finally understand what I've been talking about.  Other than giving myself a backache sleeping on the couch the other day (I won't be doing that again), things are good.  :-D

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 21

There's somethin' happenin' in here
What it is, ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there...

Wait, no there's not.  And it's perfectly clear what's happening in there.  We've got a growing girl on our hands.  I've got a growing girl on my bladder.

We've been a full week in our new place now.  Today we moved the last stuff out of the old place and finished up the cleaning, and left the keys behind.  It feels great to have that behind us.  We're still figuring out the best places for everything here, but as you can see, we've got the magnetic alphabet up on the fridge, so all is well.

And this morning, there was banana bread (in scone form).  And a tired pooch.

We had another ultrasound appointment on Friday, but the new shots were mostly of feet, so I haven't scanned them for here.  They were able to see what they needed, which were mostly angles of her heart.  Not angels of her heart.  But that sounds nice too.

Shout out to Libby and Seann!  Thanks so much for the great gifts!  How cute are these?
I especially love the animal-feet.

And since I'm sharing pictures of baby/child clothes, I can't skip this jacket/cloak thingie that my mom made,  a few years ago already.  I think she said it was from a fairy-tale based pattern book.
Complete with a hand muff!  It won't fit until she's a toddler, probably, though Andy and I are bound to make a giant child.  Last but not least, I got these overalls today:
Little fleecy things.  So cute.  This is way too much fun.

I had some stomach pain last night, which was a bit worrisome, but it's gone away now.  Maybe it was the sauerkraut I had with dinner.  (It wasn't.)  Who knows.  Who what.  Anyway, I think things are starting to settle down for a while, which will be good.  Just in time for Andy to leave next weekend!