Sunday, January 27, 2019

38 weeks

Starting last Sunday night, I really thought we were moments away from Alice's arrival. But here I am, a week later, still pregnant. Thankfully, we had some good help from friends and my load was lightened considerably by offers to drive Jane to and from school for the week.

We also enlisted some babysitting for Jane for last night so that Andy and I could go to a concert! A one-man band called the Suitcase Junket was playing in Bristol, which was a bit odd, because he's from Vermont and we saw him at least three times at local events when we lived in Western Mass. But in any case, he was here, we got to go see him, AND my favorite part of all, he played a song just because I had tweeted to him and requested it earlier in the day! It was so fun.

Andy has a cold or something today, which is a bummer. Jane was a bit sniffly for a day or two, and hopefully that's all this will be for him, too.

On to the pictures.

Muffins to put in the freezer as a nursing snack. They went kind of weirdly sideways, but tasted good!

Jane at a playdate sharing a can of corn with a friend. Obviously.

Picture from the couch when I was timing contractions, or I guess what weren't contractions, sometime between 12 and 4 AM.

Jane built a dog!

She got a little scratch and wanted to see how it looked.

Chris Smither (left) and Matt Lorenz

The Suitcase Junket himself, and me!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Keep your head down

Alice is head-down! And had we announced that we're calling her Alice?

The scan looked good, the visit with the midwife today was normal/fine, so I'm on track to deliver with the midwives whenever Alice decides she's ready.

Her classroom did a "bling my bike" project

Pregnancy has made me extra hungry

Super Jane

Jane took a picture of my bump

I don't know where she got her dance moves...

It certainly wasn't from me. Or Andy.

Andy had a paper accepted, so we went out for pizza and foosball.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Pre-scan update

No pictures this time, just a quick update on what's to come tomorrow (as far as I understand it).

Baby Alice has been moving a ton, and was at one point head-down like we want, but then has since been breech. I CANNOT tell at all what position she is in, as her shifts and kicks seem to change all the time.

At the last midwife visit, they told me that if she's still breech at tomorrow ultrasound, we'll "talk about what that means."

Another mum, but of course, not me, came into our yoga class last week and said after her 36 week scan of her breech son, they made an appointment to try and turn the baby, and if that didn't work, they were going to do the C-section right then. (She wasn't back at yoga today, so I don't know how the story unfolded.)

No one has said this to me, and all pregnancies are different. But we'll expect to know more tomorrow, and I will try to update this again then. And maybe find some pictures too. :)

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Love Day

We had a Love Day, which means that Jane got to pick meals and activities. It was a jam-packed day! Pictures, in no particular order:

At the Bristol Museum

Jane in front of a display of nightingales. That's what her class is called at school.

Lunch at Five Guys (hot dog with no bun and a chocolate shake).

Cowgirl in England

We stopped at a second museum for about an hour before my midwife appointment (uneventful, just as we hoped).

Not actually taken on Love Day, a previous outing

Ice skating last week

Bell pepper with a baby pepper inside. Seems apt.

Chipping Sodbury should become your next sick burn.

Bush baby

The first thing we did on Love Day was take Jane bouldering. This was her second time. She did very well.

Mini-gof on Love Day

Licking Daddy

Playing music at the museum