Monday, August 12, 2019

Summer Hols

Three weeks of summer holiday behind us, three to go.

 Out for pizza before sending uncle Keith off to the train station
 Cuddles (Jane in the background playing foosball)

 I, uh... we got them matching hats. I did not see myself becoming this person.

 World Breastfeeding Week just passed. Alice likes eating real food (peas, avocado, apples, spinach and oatmeal so far) but milk is her favorite.

 A couple-a monkeys.

 "Andy, get over there to take a picture with your brother."
"I'm trapped by a suitcase and a carseat."
"Just lean in awkwardly, then."

It's me!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Six years, six months, a visit, solid food

Lots has been happening! Jane has turned six, Alice is nearly six months old and has had her first foods, and Uncle Keith is here visiting!

Alice on the floor. She rarely rolls from tummy to back.

 Alice looking like a proper English lass

 The socks my mom knitted for Alice
 Jane's birthday crown. What do you mean, it's on wrong?

 Purple birthday headphones. And blue hair (that was supposed to be purple).
 Alice loves Uncle Keith. And grabbing his beard.

 Out to lunch
 Jane making giant bubbles at We the Curious
 Keith's turn
 Jane made Alice a sign for her playmat


 Waiting for the bus

 Visiting the Clifton suspension bridge

 My face.

 Did Amy look behind her? Was it a proposal? Did she say yes?
 Grab your nose, mom?
 And don't let go?
Climbing the rocks at the playground
Alice's first food, peas. It seems like she liked these more than the applesauce.