Wednesday, December 15, 2021

July 2021

 July 1st was the first day we were out of quarantine after arriving in Canada. It's also the day that Alice was lying on her side on the couch, fell off, and broke her collarbone. I took her to the ER the next day when she clearly was still in pain. Nothing to be done, just be gentle with her. She wore Jane's shirts for a while because they were easier to get over her head with minimal raising of her arm. All better now (December)!

Our new place! View from the living room window.

View from the patio
We went to the top of Mt. Tolmie for a good view!

Inside our place, there is an intercom/radio system. It even has labels that say it works with the TV, but none of it actually works anymore. Just a funky detail. 
Fireplace in the living room. As yet, unused.
Andy had to take the ferry to Vancouver to do some Customs busywork to release our items that came from Texas. Some views from the ride:

At a park, probably?
Our stuff came! It was so bizarre seeing all the stuff from Texas that we'd stored three years ago.

Andy started work!

View from his window
Again, some park, probably. There are tons of them that look like this! Like, you can just go to the beach! All the time!
Andy's office (I assume)
One weekend, we visited a beach to scout it out for a field trip for Andy's class. It was gorgeous and fossils were plentiful. And we saw seals! They didn't cooperate for pictures, though.

The white, grainy-looking stripes are full of fossils.

Tide pool

For Jane's birthday, Andy took her sea kayaking.

They also saw seals!

Top of Mt. Tolmie

Tim Horton's Hockey Barbie.
I'm just going to say it, kids look so goofy with their half-grown teeth!
We currently have our tinsel dinosaur out and roaring in the holidays!
Among the Texas boxes, we found these Octonauts hats and collars made by our friends the Roddys!
Alice loves digging out in our front yard.

Arbutus Cove park. We had to walk down a pretty big staircase to the beach, but it was worth it.

Paper from packing. It was such a relief to get all that stuff recycled once it was unpacked. Andy figured out where he could drive it to drop it all off so we didn't have to wait two weeks for a pickup.
"Mom, I sneezed and my head came off."
Alice's favorite park, Gyro park.
Walking in to the fossil beach.
Plenty of blackberry bushes on the way in!

Jane got a funky haircut for her birthday. (This was the first pass. We took her to another place where they made it look better, in my opinion.)

There is an entirely gluten-free bakery in town! Chocolate birthday cake!

I don't speak French, but this was funny to me.
Gyro park for Jane's birthday.
Her friend Emily joined us for a play and some cupcakes!