Monday, November 8, 2021

May 2021


Andy and I have often commented on how our bathroom (Canada) is bigger than our kitchen was in Bristol.

Packing up!
Funnily enough, Alice is watching Octonauts right now, as well!
Leaving the flat. This wasn't the final good-bye, but moving us into the AirBnB to allow the clear-out company to get rid of our couch and other furniture pieces, and give me time to do a thorough cleaning. I sat in the garden, had a latte, and watched other people carry the couch down the 51 stairs!
Our AirBnb had giant Jenga, a ping-pong table, and foosball.

In the van on the way to Heathrow. I remember my glasses/face shield fogging up so much, I couldn't really watch Bristol as we left.

Lunch at Heathrow. There were very few people, it was weird.
A flattering shot.
And then suddenly, we were in California!

OK, it wasn't sudden. We got to the airport early in the morning, took our COVID tests, waited anxiously in the airport for the results, and then got on a plane and sat for eleven hours. But all in all, the flight was uneventful, which was great. Alice was in a diaper (which she didn't usually wear at this point) but we knew that she would not use an airplane toilet. Her biggest struggle was not being able to suck her thumb, but after I held her for about twenty minutes, she fell asleep and I was able to lay her down (there was space and Andy and Jane were in the row behind us). She mostly stayed asleep for about nine hours.

And THEN came the California fun!

We had to wait a while before we could actually *be* with the Fraasses, but another round of COVID tests let that happen. The week spent in the two bedrooms (and outside) actually went by reasonably well.

Jane doing more science app fun.

Oops, back to Bristol for a sec. Grandpa's red sweater is a little small on Jane, but it does fit Alice these days!

Walking in our old neighbo(u)rhood.
Lilacs outside of our AirBnb.
Totally empty flat. We got our full deposit back!

Jane's friend Sukhi came by before we left Bristol to drop off these bunnies for Jane and Alice. They were good friends to us, even driving Jane home from school most days. 
Alice napping at Grandma and Grandpa's. She had a hard time with it. I often found her on the floor right by the door (asleep), but this day she stayed in bed.
Outside at Grandma and Grandpa's

Grandma Wendy!

Fancy dress for a tea party.

The girls, Grandpa, and I visited this garden one day. Alice got such a kick out of going in the car those weeks in California. It wasn't something she really did in her life in Bristol!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

April 2021

 As the move approaches (approached), you can see our flat starting to empty out. Also, Jane took a lot of these pictures. I hadn't seen most of the science ones, courtesy of the app she was using for homeschooling, Tappety.

Alice wrapped in a blanket...

and it seems like there was someone behind her!
I swear I feed her more than just pretzels.

Nice shot, Jane.
Is it art?

Oh no. Someone taught her selfie-face.

Starting the packing process. (I do not miss that.)
SCIENCE! (She blinded me with....)


Jane playing with her mirrored closet doors.
The hedgehog mural on our road.
Jane and Charlotte at the Downs

By chance, Charlotte's friend's dog was there (her older brothers were walking her) so I got some quality dog-time. And of course I had to take her picture so Andy could see. Thanks for the cuddles, Selka!
Tree girl

At the Downs with Neve
A nice view one evening
Finger painting

Pile on Dad! Grab Mom!

Stopping at a playground after running an errand one day. I think this was when we dropped off our ENTIRE spice collection to someone. (They later loaned us a french press when ours broke, so we didn't have to buy one just to survive our last ~4 weeks in the UK.)
My silly sausages