Saturday, June 29, 2019

Summer's Here

We're not having as much of a heatwave as mainland Europe, but today it's supposed to get up to 85. We're planning on packing a picnic to take to the park.

Jane is still in school for three more weeks. She just found out her new class.

In no particular order:

Andy took a long bike ride a few weeks ago to plead that a store replace his headphones. They said no, but he got some nice pictures. (Then he complained online and they finally said yes.)

 Jane with orange hair
 Jane got a unicorn facepaint at a friend's birthday party
 Andy and I went out for a drink yesterday
 Alice came to the pub too.

 Alice is so much spittier than I remember Jane being.
 Who loves purple cupcakes?

Alice is wearing a pair of Jane's old PJs. Monster Jamz from Uncle Keith!
 I love this picture because for some reason Alice's face looks melted.

 On the walkway between home and the grocery store, there are roses,


Jane with her sister
 On the way home from the birthday party, our Uber driver offered Jane this abandoned brolly after learning that her favorite color was purple.
 Alice sits at the table in a highchair during meals. She doesn't eat yet, but she likes being with everyone.

 Jane controlling Alice's fist
 Jane had a day off of school last week and we went with her friend Charlotte to Blaise Castle.

 It's a small picture, but Jane (in pink) is bouncing on the trampoline at Charlotte's house.

 Andy's friend Leah sent a gift for Alice. This onesie has spikes on the sleeve!

 What is this grass of which you speak?

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